本校機械人隊於2023年2月參加「RoboFest機械人大賽香港賽 – Exhibition高級組」奪得冠軍,獲出線資格代表香港,於5月中旬前往美國底特律勞倫斯理工大學出戰,順利再下一城,奪得RoboFest USA Senior Exhibition 冠軍,並得到該大學獎學金US$17,000。
5A 盧栢熹
5A 阮啟昇
5B 唐子軒
本校機械人隊於2023年2月參加「RoboFest機械人大賽香港賽 – Exhibition高級組」奪得冠軍,獲出線資格代表香港,於5月中旬前往美國底特律勞倫斯理工大學出戰,順利再下一城,奪得RoboFest USA Senior Exhibition 冠軍,並得到該大學獎學金US$17,000。
5A 盧栢熹
5A 阮啟昇
5B 唐子軒
Application for F. 1 Discretionary Places 2025-2026
Application for F. 1 Discretionary Places 2025-2026
Application for F. 1 Discretionary Places 2025-2026
Application for F. 1 Discretionary Places 2025-2026
The 10th Outstanding Student Leaders Election – Outstanding Student Leader Award 第十屆「卓越學生領袖選舉」- 卓越學生領袖
The 10th Outstanding Student Leaders Election – Outstanding Student Leader Award 第十屆「卓越學生領袖選舉」- 卓越學生領袖
The 10th Outstanding Student Leaders Election, organized by The Arete, recognized 5A CHENG Sze-hang as one of the five outstanding student leaders this year. The competition selected 45 participants from among many students recommended by secondary school principals. The candidates underwent multiple rounds of contests and training, including debates, speeches, a mock Chief Executive election, and drafting a simulated policy address.
The 10th Outstanding Student Leaders Election, organized by The Arete, recognized 5A CHENG Sze-hang as one of the five outstanding student leaders this year. The competition selected 45 participants from among many students recommended by secondary school principals. The candidates underwent multiple rounds of contests and training, including debates, speeches, a mock Chief Executive election, and drafting a simulated policy address.
International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2024
International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2024
We are delighted to announce the exceptional achievements of our students in the International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2024. Our students have demonstrated outstanding performance and brought pride to our school with their remarkable accomplishments.
We are delighted to announce the exceptional achievements of our students in the International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2024. Our students have demonstrated outstanding performance and brought pride to our school with their remarkable accomplishments.
Homecoming Day Highlights!
Homecoming Day Highlights!
What an incredible day at Centenary College! Over 100 alumni returned to celebrate our Homecoming Day on 7 Dec 2024 bringing back wonderful memories and reconnecting with old friends. It was heartwarming to see so many familiar faces!
What an incredible day at Centenary College! Over 100 alumni returned to celebrate our Homecoming Day on 7 Dec 2024 bringing back wonderful memories and reconnecting with old friends. It was heartwarming to see so many familiar faces!